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  • Men’s Guide on How to Buy Jeans
    Men’s Guide on How to Buy Jeans
    For most, men’s jeans are the most valuable player of the wardrobe. Usually, this isn’t because they’re the most expensive piece of clothing we own, or even the best-looking. Instead, it’s their versatility that’s important, as you can wear jeans around the house, in the workplace or on casual outings. Despite this usefulness, however, finding that perfect pair of men’s jeans is never easy. So what should you look for when searching for that perfect pair of jeans? Aside from the best possible price, here are some tips and ideas to keep in mind. Picking the right pair. Look for timeless jeans. It’s hard to say what will be in style a year from today, but by sticking more or less with tried and true denim styles, you can aim for and land a pair of jeans that will remain stylish for years. Here are three classic examples: Original blue jeans: Evolving from rough and tumble work wear, these are…